Manila Kendo Club
Limitless: Elvira Inoue
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Elvira Inoue "Tita Elvie" joined MKC in 2009 and participates in all Manila Kendo Club activities. She is an avid supporter in events including our online activities. She is definitely one of our members that portrays that age and height does not matter.
A Family in a Family; Kathleen Tan Jadie
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Kathleen Tan Jadie is a mother of three kendokas practicing in MKC with her husband. She practices together with the family in and out of the dojo and they are a regular in our E-suburi + HIIT program.
Overcoming one’s self: Aran Samson
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Aran joined MKC in 2019 during our beginners recruitment and has moved to our intermediate class in 2020. He continues to practice his Kendo at the comforts of his home.
Discovering Kendo: Tet Grajo
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Tet Grajo joined Manila Kendo Club in 2013 and have been actively participating and helping the club ever since. She now resides in Singapore but continuously provides support to her fellow MKC members from afar.
Crafting one’s development: Lambert Antonio
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Lambert Antonio joined MKC in 2010 and an active supporter and participant in our activities. As our club's artist and head 'craftsman', Lambert contributed to many events and promotions of our club. Read more about him, his Kendo and his crafts.
Starting young: Yumi Sasaki
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Yumi Sasaki was part of our January batch in 2018. A young and talented kendoka who is consistent with practicing in our club's classes. Yumi attended our kids class and is now moving forward with her intermediate classes.