ukfp policies


A. Club Membership

An existing Kendo Club can apply for membership with the UKFP. A formal letter of request should be submitted to the UKFP Board of Trustees (BOT). The BOT will then deliberate on whether or not to accept the applicant club as Federation Club. Federation Clubs are classified as either an:

  1. Official Federation Club or,
  2. Probationary Federation Club

Federation Club status is considered permanent unless revoked by the General Assembly.

B. Individual Membership

Individuals can apply for membership in the UKFP through a Federation Club. Requirements for individual membership are as follows:

  1. Filling out the UKFP Membership Form
  2. Payment of the Membership Fee
  3. Certification that they are a Member of Good Standing of a Federation Club.

Individual membership is valid for one (1) year only, and should be renewed annually in order to maintain it.


The United Kendo Federation of the Philippines (UKFP) has adopted The Green Policy for all its events and activities. This policy is a set of guidelines that promote good stewardship of the environment during the conduct of the Federation's events and activities. The guidelines are as follows:

  1. No PET bottles nor single use plastics in all UKFP events and activities. We will encourage the use of personal reusable drink bottles, food containers, and cutlery whenever and wherever possible.
  2. No styrofoam and latex balloons.
  3. No paper cups, if possible.
  4. If reusable food containers are not available, the most biodegradable option that is within budget will be selected.
  5. Minimal use of paper and paper products. We will go digital/electronic whenever possible.
  6. Minimal use of materials, resources and energy, and generate minimal waste.

These guidelines may be expanded over time, as necessary.

It is the goal of our organization to not only promote respect for each other, but also to promote respect for the places where we conduct our activities and for the environment that sustains us.


The United Kendo Federation of the Philippines (UKFP) aligns itself with the International Kendo Federation (FIK) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as the UKFP acknowledges the value of measures against doping and the subsequent Anti-Doping Rules of the FIK (FIK-ADR) and the Anti-Doping Code of WADA. As such these rules in their most recent version shall apply in selected UKFP competitions, and shall be upheld by all Athletes/Shiai-sha, Coaches and Persons that will fall under these UKFP-ADR, in line with the policies of the FIK.

The UKFP-ADR applies to all Member Clubs and Organizations as well as Athletes/Shiai-sha participating in an event which the UKFP and its Member Clubs shall adhere to this UKFP-ADR including the rules set henceforth, by the FIK-ADR and the Anti-Doping Code of WADA.

The full Anti-Doping Rules can be accessed through the following link: